Date Night,  Relationship Advice

Give Experiences Instead of Gifts This Valentine’s Day

The results are in. Many of us, especially millennials, are choosing experiences over things. I’m no millennial, and I do like my things. But my husband and I have often commented that those things we own, if not careful, can sometimes hold us. They take our time, make us anxious, and can be taken away. I think my millennial friends might be onto something. My husband and I love to reminisce; when we do, it’s about our experiences. So, I thought I’d explore ways to give experiences instead of gifts this Valentine’s Day.

Get ready to fall in love with these fun date ideas.


1. Take a class together.

I started with the idea we’re doing this year, and we’re so excited! It can be whatever topic you like — cooking, dancing, golf, painting! And lots of them can be done online. Have you seen MasterClass? I am so tempted to join that. We’re doing an in-person cooking class in our closest city. They also offer online options. They’ve received stellar reviews. The menu sounds divine; we are schooled by an Executive Chef, then we get to eat what we make in a romantic venue. It’ll be fun to see how it goes. I’m pretty competent, and my husband…is not. I know we’ll have great fun. I’ll just have to remember to let the chef tell him what to do and keep my business to myself. Haha!

You can look online for local businesses in your areas of interest. Or, here are some ideas that anyone anywhere can take advantage of.

MasterClass is totally online, and the classes are taught by “inspiring artists, leaders, and icons in the world.” They have many categories like music, design & style, writing, and food.

Cozy Meal offers online, interactive cooking and mixology classes with chefs. And more.


2. Make a bucket list.

Spend the day creating a list of everything you want to do together. Vacations! Concerts! Adventures! Dream and plan how you’ll check them off. If you already know a bucket-list item that’s on the mutual list that you can afford now, get things rolling! Maybe you can do the Bucket List Creation Exercise, then present the experience oh-so-dramatically at the end. If you’re short on time, then present a coupon or gift card and plan it together.

Let me introduce you to a unique spin on this idea. About a year ago, my husband and I created and shared lists of our favorite things. It was Bobby’s idea (gotta love this man), and he specified that these items could not be “givens,” but specific and unique to us. We started to reimagine our life together based on our favorites, like where we wanted to live in the future and how we want to spend our time. We are still using this list to make decisions as we move forward. If you want to try it, here’s how we did it.

Reimagining Life With a Favorites Things List


3. Make heart-shaped food.

If there’s ever a time to make heart-shaped food, this is it. Pizza or strawberry pie! I have an excellent recipe for Eggs in a Nest for a romantic breakfast or brunch. You need a cookie cutter in a heart shape. Or, order a heart-shaped pizza pan. What a fun date idea!

Eggs in a Nest


4. Write love letters to one another.

In more than 30 years of marriage, my husband has written me two love letters. He’s the best writer in the family, and boy, did these letters make me melt. Did? No — DO. So heartfelt. And personal just to us and our love and experiences. Why not make a plan to write and reveal them on Valentine’s Day? You can read them to each other. Make it a big deal. Tell them which of their qualities you most admire, how they make you feel, and why you fell in love with them.

Try this: Lia Miller | Body Green | How To Write A Love Letter


5. Volunteer together.

Spend the day together volunteering. Choose a cause you’re both passionate about, and assure that it’s something you’ll spend time doing together side by side. It’ll make you feel more connected to one another. Doing good together changes your relationship. It helps you see the beauty in each other and might reveal things you haven’t seen before or might have forgotten.


6. Read each other a romantic book.

We did this once, and I can’t wait to do it again. In this case, Bobby read to me in bed several times a week. When I met him, he was a radio announcer, and his voice? Oh. My. It is gorgeous and sexy. But don’t worry about that; yours is the voice they fell in love with. I recommend you pick the book and start on Valentine’s Night. Oh yeah.


7. Play tourist in your own town.

We live 40 minutes away from a beautiful city with great culture, food, and fun. We often take a day or overnight trip there. The only rule is that we try not to do the same things twice. It’s not very hard to accomplish! Is there a landmark, a restaurant, or anything else in your town that you’ve never visited? Get into the spirit and snap tons of pictures. 

Some of us are better planners than others. If you’re advanced level, get the hotel and google “Best Things To Do in (city).” And list what you want to do and when. Or, I’ve had fun with replacing the word “best” with “coolest” or “fun.” I like to mix traditional things with something quirky and unique. And, I always stick a cool restaurant and a coffee shop in there. Plan the whole thing, then present your itinerary.

If you’re a beginner, no problem. They love you just like you are. Show your heart’s in the right place by doing some research, print it out, and present your idea. Planning together can be fun, too. 

Oh, isn’t he handsome? We probably won’t dress like this for our cooking spree, but it’s also exciting to go to a favorite or new restaurant, right? If that’s your jam, do that.

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