• Relationships Take Work

    Chasing the Dodgers: Handling Conflict When You’re Different

    Conflict. Ugh. Just the sound of that word makes us cringe, right? But know this. If you can learn how to manage it well, conflict will help your relationship. Yes, make it better because both unaddressed issues and bloody battles are death to your relationship. One might just take longer to make it die than the other. So, let’s figure this out. First, there are really two kinds of people when it comes to conflict: Chasers and Dodgers. Both have good points when it comes to conflict, but both have the capacity to really screw it up, too. It’s important to identify who you both are so the road can…

  • Relationships Take Work

    Flying Underwear: Is Your Issue Worth Fighting About?

    Conflict in any relationship is inevitable and can even be healthy.  But it’s only healthy if addressed well. Otherwise, conflict can lead to brutal fighting.  Or even worse, distance in the relationship and a cold, cold chill. I have experienced both in relationships, and it’s. not. good. This article is the first of a three-part series. I think we first have to think through when we do indeed need to address something. Then, we’ll talk about extending grace and healthy ways to address issues. Not everything is something you should be willing to “die on the hill for.”  Have you heard this saying? It’s a war metaphor.  It means that…

  • Relationships Take Work

    I Don’t Speak Spanish: How To Speak Love in the Way They Hear It

    I spent much of my time walking the hallways of Big Beaver Falls High School trying to avoid my teacher, Mr. Evans.  “Senor” Evans was a perfectly nice man.  But, he was my Spanish teacher, and anytime he would see one of his students in the hallway, he would try to talk to us in Spanish.  And well, the only thing I knew how to say in Spanish was “No hablo Espanol.” (I don’t speak Spanish.)Have you ever had that same feeling in your relationships? I read a great book by Gary Chapman called “The Five Love Languages.”   Dr. Chapman teaches that every person has a love language. And if…