By Bobby Martin
So if you were Chris Rock, what would you have done? This has been one of the biggest topics of discussion in the country this week. I would like to weigh in on this. I think Chris Rock rocked it.
Here’s why. Restraint demonstrates much more strength and power than retaliation. He didn’t even raise his hands. And he didn’t say anything he would have to take back. One commentator on Fox News, who happens to be black and in the same age range as Chris and Will, said something to the effect that if someone ever hit him, he’d fire right back. That’s where he draws the line.
I honestly don’t know how I would have responded in the heat of the moment like that. I grew up a fighter. If you’ve ever seen me, you’d say, what class, feather weight? But where I’m from, we had a pecking order regarding who was the toughest. I eventually learned that’s not how you gain people’s respect. I still have to watch my temper.
This incident was good in one way. It got people thinking and talking. So who should we emulate? If you know me, you know that I’m a Jesus follower. If you’re not, you are more than welcome here and I’m so very glad you read these. Jesus was an excellent example of power and peace coexisting. He said this, “I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” (Matthew 5:39) So in answer to the popular question, “what would Jesus do?” Chris Rock did it. What he said to provoke the attack is another discussion, but in the heat of the moment, I would give Chris the vote as to who was stronger.
Here are the details of what happened.
I’m guest blogging today; my wife is the relationship coach. I think her advice about how happy couples interact is an appropriate thing to read today.