Freezing at Five
We were recently invited to a friend’s house for a picnic, and decided to go at the last minute. I hadn’t thought about what food I was going to take and I’m not known for keeping it simple. I decided on a dessert that needed ice cream. Sounds fine until I tell you that our friends live 30 miles away, and it was a 98 degree day. Not the best choice? True that.
We drove our Challenger SRT, my husband’s pride and joy. I asked him to stop at a grocery store closer to our destination for the ice cream. Bobby assured me that he could make Hulkster (That’s the car. Haha.) “a freezer inside” and it would be fine. I wondered for half a second about that. After all, it was 98. But, my husband’s word is good, so we went for it.
Later, as we were shivering in front of the car’s air conditioning vents, we saw the sign that all Car Guys dread.
Usually when we see this sign, we turn around and go the other way, even if it takes us out of our way. But we soon realized that the dreaded oil and chips were actually on the road on which our friend lives. So we bravely carried on. Slowly. So slowly.
Bobby literally drove 5 miles per hour down this long rural road. He had to keep pulling over to let others drive by. Um, these people did not get it. Obviously. I couldn’t help wondering what they thought of us. OK, maybe I didn’t wonder. A lot were giving us evil looks. But, I didn’t worry about that for long as my thoughts were eventually overshadowed by the realization that – I – was – freeeeezing. It was so cold in the car that the windows were fogging up and my arms were stiff from holding the ice cream in front of the vents.
I remarked on it, and Bobby said he was freezing, too. Then he started bragging about the fact that in the “old days” a car with Hulkster’s power could never have gone 5 miles an hour for that long with the air conditioner blasting. Only a Car Guy. I think we came to the realization at the same time just how weird we are because we both started laughing hysterically at this utterly ludicrous situation. It was good. So good.
The next morning as we washed tar off the paint, we talked about how perfect we are for each other. Who else but him would agree to make his car “like a freezer” so I could take ice cream to a party on a 98 degree day? And who else would sit patiently, and not think it was weird at all, while he drove 5 miles an hour down a country road while others gave us The Stink Eye? Or laugh together about it until our stomachs hurt?
Your quirks are assuredly different than ours. But beyond a doubt, you both have them. There is no such thing as normal.
In my experience, a hallmark of successful couples is acceptance of one another’s quirks. And the really good ones not only accept the quirks, but encourage them, love them and even get into them! The stupider the better. It feels good to have at least one person who understands the real you and likes you exactly as you are, yeah?
Freeze your butt off. Drive slowly. Brave The Stink Eye. Love the stupid.
Part of a great relationship is having fun! Here’s what I wrote about that.

Derek Cook
Your articles are always great and give hope to people who may be struggling and looking for any bit of advice or inspiration to kick-start their relationships back to good. At one point, we all were deeply in love to get into the relationship. We should keep that fire alive each day. Your articles are one place we can look for that inspiration.
Love, your friend, Derek
Thank you, D. This comment makes my heart happy. Love, your friend, Lori. 🙂
Bruce E Martin
Very good reading. So you guys!! I loved it. The coldest heart warming story ever. So….how cold did it get in there?
Thank you, Bruce! Ihhhhh, it was so cold the flashers were only describing themselves.