• Relationship Advice,  Relationship Advice for Men

    Uncommon Romance

    I love romantic books and movies — I’m the Hey Get A Room girl, right? My husband has offered romantic gestures, even grand ones, in the traditional ways: flowers, expensive dinners, candlelight, and candy. Those things are lovely. I enjoy them immensely. But, other men have offered me many of those same gestures. (Obviously, before The One came along.)  Those should be part of the repertoire if you’re doing dating right. I expound in Classic Rules For Dating In The Modern World. But, men and women who want to earn their Advanced Certification in Romance? Keep doing that stuff. But add those things that show that you get them. Know…

  • Relationship Advice

    It’s Harder to Receive Than to Give

    I almost dropped a Hail Mary pass this week. I know, I’ve never caught a football in my life! But it’s the perfect metaphor for what happened with my husband this week. I ran smack into the realization that it’s harder to receive than to give. In a 1975 playoff game, the Dallas Cowboys were down 14 to 10 against the Minnesota Vikings. With only twenty-four seconds left on the clock in the fourth quarter, Cowboys’ quarterback Roger Staubach threw a winning, miracle pass to wide receiver Drew Pearson. Staubach said that when he threw the ball to Pearson, “I closed my eyes and said a Hail Mary.” This play…

  • Communication in Marriage

    How To Show Appreciation To the Love of Your Life

    Growing up, my family had the best tradition at Thanksgiving. Gathered around the table, we would each take our turn and share what we were most thankful for that year. My brother was always funny, as he’d take the opportunity to poke fun at everyone for things that happened throughout the year. But then, right at the end, he’d hit us with the sentimental zinger that always made me and Mom cry. Dad and Mom always said they were thankful for the same thing every year: Family. I don’t remember what I said, but I recall how those words of appreciation reminded us that were weren’t just four people existing…

  • Relationships Take Work

    Beautiful Picture

    The other morning my husband and I were rushing. As always. I’m betting that you can relate. I was finishing up my make-up while mentally preparing for my first meeting. And there he was, bending down to give me his goodbye kiss. This time of morning is always a highlight. He left – and it struck me. I hardly remembered that kiss, and while I thought I’d said “I love you,” I wasn’t sure. I thought for a second, literally dropped my make-up to the floor, and ran down the stairs, catching him as he pulled out of the drive. His handsome face was priceless as I ran to the…