• Date Night

    Breaking Up With Mr. Covid Date Night Ideas

    I’ve been thinking about this relationship I have with you, Mr. Covid. I think it’s time to break up. And it’s definitely You, not Me. Those friends who are ready to join me, have I got some date night ideas for you! For my friends who are not yet ready to cut the ties, see the link at the end of the page for now and bookmark these ideas for later. Some of us, I know, are barely holding on to our relationship at this point. This past year has been tough, right? I’ll share another link at the end of the page. It’s just for you. Are you ready…

  • Relationship Advice

    Did I Make This Whole Thing Up?

    I record random quotes that people say to me. Some are profound—some funny. I wrote one down a few years ago from my niece, who earned her doctorate at Yale. Referring to a final paper she was writing, she said, “Sometimes you come to a certain place in your argument and you wonder, did I make this whole thing up?” I laughed so hard; you would’ve thought I was front row at a Jim Gaffigan show listening to his Hot Pocket segment. But sometimes I’m not laughing, because I need to know how to be a better wife. Sometimes when I’m offering advice, I feel like a fraud. I’m supposed to…

  • Relationships Take Work

    Many Waters Cannot Quench Love

    Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. You’ve heard that, right? A man named Solomon wrote it in about 10th-century bc. Solomon was a king of the United Kingdom of Israel. He was and still is known for his great wisdom. His father was King David. You know – David from the David and Goliath story? Some family, huh? This poem is in the book Song of Solomon in the Bible and is interpreted in many ways. One way is that romantic love is invincible, and we can’t give up. But those of us who’ve been battered by love may see these as nothing but pretty words.…

  • Relationships Take Work

    Rocky Road

    June 2nd, 2021 is Rocky Road Day. Who knew? And who comes up with these things? But am I going to complain about a day dedicated to the eating of Rocky Road desserts? That would be a no. All the no’s!  The Rocky Road dessert was first created in Australia in 1853 and referenced the rocky road travelers used to access the goldfields. The dessert was made of chocolate, nuts, and marshmallows and looked like a bumpy road filled with rocks and potholes. Later came the ice cream. Yum. What a great way to turn a rocky road around, right? Sometimes we encounter a rocky road in our love relationship.…