Achieve More Together
“Passion can be a dangerous thing. It can consume a man and blind him to all but the object about which he’s passionate. Yet, if you try to excise it from his spirit so he can enjoy his surroundings, he’s often not the same man, and you’re left with a shadow of who he used to be.” This quote from a short story caught my attention recently. The story is fictional, but the subject is real. My husband and I know couples who think their goals for themselves and their relationship are at odds. They don’t understand that they can achieve more together. My husband, Bobby, is a professional drag…
Know Where to Look to Find the Right Partner
People say that it’s impossible to find the right partner these days. I say, where are you looking? When we were kids, my dad took me and my brother fishing. He taught us that if you’re not catching any good fish, move to a better spot. My dad’s street smart. I think he’d say that the same applies to find the right partner. If you’re looking for desirable – and you should be – look where desirable is. Where is that, you might ask? I’m thinking that there’s another question waiting to be answered first. Who Do You Want To Meet? OK, be honest. Did the word “hot” cross your…
Reimagining Life With a Favorite Things List
One evening, my hubby asked if I would share my ten favorite things list with him. He asked me not to include “given” items like him, God, or Family but instead include specific items unique to me. I saw that this would spark a more in-depth conversation between us. Just like the Grinch, my heart grew three sizes right then with a love surge, and I wanted his items, too! We planned to share the next night over dinner. It was so fun to write my favorite things, but I didn’t realize the lasting benefit it would have. Who knew that we could begin reimagining our lives with a Favorite…
Create The Relationship You Want
Like most couples, my mom and dad established particular roles for themselves in our home, and they didn’t wander far from their lanes. Mom’s lane included furnishing the house. Dad didn’t know what new couch he’d be lounging on until the truck arrived. They like it this way. When we tie the knot, we take what we’ve learned into our marriage. Often we don’t realize that we can create what we want our relationship to be. So when I got married, and it came time to buy furniture, what do you think I did? I called Mom to arrange a shopping date. When I hung up the phone, my husband…