Put Money In Its Place
PT Barnum wrote a book called The Art of Money Getting. It’s about making and keeping money. I could never be author of that book. Frankly, I’m clueless. We don’t have an app on our phone with stock market numbers, and we don’t have a broker. We have a 401K, but don’t ask me how it’s doing or even how much money we have in it. I use coupons only if they fall out of my purse in the checkout line. Money’s a necessary thing in this world we live in, but it’s not that important to us. A reader recently asked me to write about finances. This request is a…
Help, I Need Somebody: When To Seek Marriage Counseling
Have you been wondering if you need relationship counseling? Lots of people do. You’re not alone, Friend. Bobby and I have counseled many over the years, and are always humbled and honored to do so. As I ponder these many conversations, tears and triumphs, I have learned some lessons. In my opinion, your best bet is to seek Marriage Mentoring way early in the relationship. Marriage Mentoring is proactive and seeks to coach new couples through the ups and downs of new relationships. Do you agree that it’s better to prevent something from happening instead of fixing it afterward? This is a fantastic thing to do! Many churches offer really…
Fools Rush In
There’s an old song I love called “Fools Rush In.” The first line is “Wise men say only fools rush in.” The rest of the song is nothing but One. Big. But. So, I’m gonna stop there. (But if you don’t know the song, click the link! It’s so romantic…Ahem. OK, not now. I’m trying to make a point here.) There’s a reason why a wise man would say not to rush into a marriage. He knows a few things. We should listen because after all it’s been established that he’s wise. If Elvis said it (he recorded one of the first versions of this song), it has to be…
The Importance of Personal Accountability in Your Relationship
I’m really concerned about all these Covid-19 divorces happening worldwide. Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, and the alarming rate at which this is happening is consistently rising. The percentage is even higher for second marriages. Perhaps there needs to be more of a desire for personal accountability in marriage and less blame in relationships. Why does a husband or wife show up testifying, “Not My Fault” in so many divorce cases? And if nobody is responsible for a failed relationship, then how do you hold someone accountable in a relationship so it can work? As a relationship expert who counsels numerous Christian couples and families with…