• Relationships Take Work

    Just Respect

    I kinda fancy myself as being someone who knows a little something about marriage. I think it’s because it’s something I want to know about.  So I study people, I ask questions and I read a lot of books. And, over the years we have counseled several people so I’ve learned from the inside the ways people can get off track and the ways they can turn it back around. That’s a beautiful thing, let me tell you. There really isn’t much that can’t be turned around if both really, really want it. It’s gotten to the point that when I read a book on marriage, there’s not much there…

  • Relationship Preparation

    Fools Rush In

    There’s an old song I love called “Fools Rush In.” The first line is “Wise men say only fools rush in.”  The rest of the song is nothing but One. Big. But. So, I’m gonna stop there.  (But if you don’t know the song, click the link! It’s so romantic…Ahem. OK, not now. I’m trying to make a point here.) There’s a reason why a wise man would say not to rush into a marriage. He knows a few things. We should listen because after all it’s been established that he’s wise. If Elvis said it (he recorded one of the first versions of this song), it has to be…

  • Relationship Advice for Women

    Healing Rain On Barren Land – My Story of Infertility

    I always dreamed of being married and having children. My husband had similar dreams. Once Bobby and I married, we waited to start a family. Our goal was to further our careers. Racing is an all-consuming passion, and it takes from you as much as you give it. Bobby was passionately pursuing his dream – the one that God gave him as a young child. I essentially had two jobs – my job in the corporate world and as Business Manager for the racing operation. We delayed parenting, but finally came the day when we agreed to put aside the birth control. The months and years passed. No baby. I…

  • Relationship Advice

    Long Line of Love

    These pictures, taken at two different times, are remarkably similar. One is of my parents-in-law, and the other is of my husband and me. However, while the look of these pictures may be coincidental, the story these pictures reveal indeed IS NOT. I met my husband in September of 1981, and three months later, I was on my way to Western New York to meet his whole family for Christmas. I was a wreck. This man is an introvert, and he was still very much a mystery. I knew the basics about his family: two parents, one brother, two sisters. Oh, and I knew that his mom was concerned that…