Create The Relationship You Want
Like most couples, my mom and dad established particular roles for themselves in our home, and they didn’t wander far from their lanes. Mom’s lane included furnishing the house. Dad didn’t know what new couch he’d be lounging on until the truck arrived. They like it this way. When we tie the knot, we take what we’ve learned into our marriage. Often we don’t realize that we can create what we want our relationship to be. So when I got married, and it came time to buy furniture, what do you think I did? I called Mom to arrange a shopping date. When I hung up the phone, my husband…
Fighting To Save Your Marriage
They came to see us. We ordered pizza and got acquainted on the patio. He had placed his wedding ring inside a white envelope, wrote a note, and left it on the dresser for her to find. Over the coming weeks, we talked – but mostly listened. And beheld two incredible people fighting to save their marriage and winning BIG. It’s not always like that. Some call but never come. Others come so that they can say they did. Many have seen too much water go under that bridge. It’s not always true, but usually, the reality is this: nearly every problem is a motivation problem. I can usually tell…
Turn Down the Noise For a Peaceful 2021
The United Nations declared 2021 as the International Year of Peace and Trust. And as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. This “new year’s resolution” was profound for a hot minute, but now I feel like an investigative journalist on minutia. I like fruits and vegetables; they’re good for me and all. But if we’re measuring those against peace and trust, the P&T weighs in like a hippopotamus on a seesaw. I’m looking for a peaceful 2021. I have learned that the things to which we give our attention set our direction. And our direction determines our destination. I Learned This Lesson Early My husband, Bobby Martin, is a…
A Season of Giving Grace to Others
An acquaintance of ours started a non-profit movement offering free yard signs reminding us to love one another. He posted it on our county’s social media page…and the war began. Within a short time, I counted 102 comments. Ninety-eight of the remarks were fighting with him or with each other. Ironic? Yes. Surprising? Big sigh. No. As I read these ugly comments on social media, I was insulted on behalf of this good man. Why the anger? Why aren’t we extending grace to others? At the same time, his responses – both measured and kind – filled me with hope instead of feeling overwhelmed by the inhumanity of the masses. I…