• Relationship Advice

    Find A Lot With Thanks And Giving

    Have you ever felt unappreciated? I have. Many years ago, I had demonstrated a particular skill for saving customer relationships. Consequently, a peer in Marketing asked me to train and implement a program company-wide to restore customers who were in danger of ending our service. With little input from him, my team delivered and made the company A LOT of money. I didn’t think much of the fact that my colleague reported all of the progress to senior management. Then, I got a lesson in life.  He won a public thank you from the company president and a BIG promotion. I tried not to feel differently after that, but I…

  • Relationship Advice for Men

    Inside Intel For Men – How Women Think About Sex

    Hello, my fabulous men friends! So, I have a confession to make. When I started writing my advice to help people with their marriages and relationships, I really didn’t think you’d be interested. Not because I think you don’t care about your relationship. I guess I didn’t think you’d be interested in ME talking about it. But here we are – and I’m genuinely happy that I was wrong. I named my site “Hey, Get A Room” because of the numerous times friends have said that to me and my husband over the last 39 years – many while sticking their finger down their throat. Ha! I’ve decided that we…

  • Relationship Trust & Loyalty

    Advertise Your Man

    There’s a great old blues song called “Woman Be Wise” written in 1967 by iconic Blues singer Sippie Wallace.  It depicts an older, wiser woman offering advice to younger ones about how to hold onto their men. Hey, I give relationship advice and I sing the blues! I really do love this song. It’s street-wise, it’s earthy and makes me and my husband laugh every time we hear it. But, is it actually wise? Well, (sorry Sippie) I don’t think so. Give a listen and see what you think. This live performance is a rare treat with Sippie and other Blues greats Bonnie Raitt and Dr. John on Letterman. You…

  • Relationships Take Work

    In the Middle

    I was listening to a great song this morning called “Here Again.” The first few lines say, “Can’t go back to the beginning. Can’t control what tomorrow will bring. But I know here in the middle. Is the place where You promise to be.” The song is about how God is always there for us. I believe that we are to emulate God, as best we can, in every way that we can. I started to think about how this applies to our romantic relationships. The beginning of our relationship is often referred to as The Honeymoon Phase when everything is easy. An endless stream of dates and late-night talks…