• Relationship Trust & Loyalty

    Advertise Your Man

    There’s a great old blues song called “Woman Be Wise” written in 1967 by iconic Blues singer Sippie Wallace.  It depicts an older, wiser woman offering advice to younger ones about how to hold onto their men. Hey, I give relationship advice and I sing the blues! I really do love this song. It’s street-wise, it’s earthy and makes me and my husband laugh every time we hear it. But, is it actually wise? Well, (sorry Sippie) I don’t think so. Give a listen and see what you think. This live performance is a rare treat with Sippie and other Blues greats Bonnie Raitt and Dr. John on Letterman. You…

  • Date Night

    Dear Mr. Covid, Date Nights Are Not Canceled

    Boy, I have come up with some GREAT ideas for having fun right now. These can be dates or fun with friends…but what they ARE NOT…are boring. Yay! Depending on what city you live in or near, restaurants and other places of business are in various stages of “open”, but I got you covered! Whether you want to stay close to home or venture out, these are ways you can safely shake off the Cabin Fever and have – some – fuuuuuun! I would love to hear in the comments some of your ideas, too. Let’s get started! First, how the heck do you meet new people right now? Well……

  • Relationship Advice

    Gaze an Eagle Blind: How a Look Can Work on Your Relationship

    My husband does this thing. And he may not realize it, but he’s working on the relationship. He stops everything he’s doing, pulls me close…and just looks into my eyes. He doesn’t say anything…he just looks at me with this fervent – even reverent – look. Nothing else in this world makes me feel more loved than that look.   The link between love and looking has long been the stuff of song. Can’t take my eyes off of you… I only have eyes for you… My eyes adored you. And Shakespeare himself wrote of the power of a loving look in his play, Love’s Labour’s Lost. He said that…

  • Relationships Take Work

    Blood Transfusion: How to Avoid Generational Curses

    I’m a singer, so song lyrics matter. I’ve been obsessed with John Mayer’s “In The Blood” lately. Yes, obsessed. I’ve listened to it during my 45-minute work commute – on repeat – several times in the last two weeks. “Several times” is as close as I’ll want to get to revealing my level of craziness about songs. Now, don’t look at me so loud. You’ve done this. You know you have. This song made me wonder why so many of us repeat our parents’ mistakes. And our grandparents. We let our past cause unnecessary relationship struggles. A friend of mine calls this the Generational Curse. Would you kindly give it…