Dancing Through Life: Love, Theology, and Togetherness
Most people know my husband as a Champion Race Car Driver. But he has also served as a Corporate Chaplain. To serve his colleagues better, he took a course, Introduction to Theology, at Trinity Divinity School. We were both very excited about it. He texted me the day he started reading his textbook. He said “My mind is bending. I’ve read 16 words so far that I never heard before.” Then on his first day of class, he texted “Everyone should study Theology!” The day he took his mid-term exam, I knew I would hear about his grade on his first break. I did. Here’s the message: When he…
Just Say You’re Sorry
I love Chris Stapleton. Before we go on in this relationship, if you don’t love Chris Stapleton, I don’t know if we can be friends. How I feel about his singing is past the point of love – something that transcends it, something indescribable, something there will never be ample words for. Haha! OK… that’s extra. Even for me. My new fave song of his, which is co-written and sung with Pink, is “Just Say I’m Sorry.” Now, that’s a message I can get behind. It’s a plea to one’s lover to put their pride aside and live up to their mistakes. The lyrics are simple and so wise. If…
How To Write a Love Letter
My husband Bobby has offered numerous gestures of love over our 30+ years of marriage. But there has never been anything that meant more to me than his love letters. Is there a gift that could offer more than a love letter? Think about it. A letter from a loved one is from the one you love. It’s unique to you, and your relationship, deeply personal, and the effort alone shows how much they care. Because I know what a Big Deal this is, I’m going to share how to write a love letter. First, confession time. I have never written a love letter. But, I have perfect examples from Bobby…
Like a Bowling Ball
Did you know that race cars are like bowling balls? Yeah, me neither. At least not until my race car driver husband explained it to me one day early on in our race career. I trusted him on that, and well, it turned out OK. Trusting one’s life partner is just as important as counting on one’s racing partner. Getting married triggers significant shifts in your world. Now, instead of being the sole master of your universe, you’re sharing that space with your soul mate. The two of you must learn how to navigate life as a team and figure out ways to make strong decisions together. And when time…