Know Where to Look to Find the Right Partner
People say that it’s impossible to find the right partner these days. I say, where are you looking? When we were kids, my dad took me and my brother fishing. He taught us that if you’re not catching any good fish, move to a better spot. My dad’s street smart. I think he’d say that the same applies to find the right partner. If you’re looking for desirable – and you should be – look where desirable is. Where is that, you might ask? I’m thinking that there’s another question waiting to be answered first. Who Do You Want To Meet? OK, be honest. Did the word “hot” cross your…
Fools Rush In
There’s an old song I love called “Fools Rush In.” The first line is “Wise men say only fools rush in.” The rest of the song is nothing but One. Big. But. So, I’m gonna stop there. (But if you don’t know the song, click the link! It’s so romantic…Ahem. OK, not now. I’m trying to make a point here.) There’s a reason why a wise man would say not to rush into a marriage. He knows a few things. We should listen because after all it’s been established that he’s wise. If Elvis said it (he recorded one of the first versions of this song), it has to be…
Do You Have a Transactional Relationship? 4 Ways to Love Without Expectations
Setting expectations in a relationship is a subject that isn’t talked about much, but it is one of the main reasons why relationships fail. Fortunately, there’s a solution: love without expectation. Let’s drive into what makes a transactional relationship fail and 4 ways to love your partner without expectations. Relationships Take Work At a drag race my husband and I were sponsoring, a businessman’s wife watched as one drag racer Kyle tore apart the bottom end, checked and replaced bearings. She observed how Mike, another racer took off the valve covers, check the pushrods, and set the valves. She kept her eye on yet a third racer, Larry who tore…
I Want a Jerry Springer Kind of Love?
Why oh why do we love bad boys? Why do we fixate on people who are not good for us? I say “Bad Boys,” but the same thing is true for toxic women. Has this ever happened to you? Is it happening now? If you had to describe your relationship, what words would you use? Companions, useful helpmates, friends, partners, confidantes? Passionate, involved, attached, warm, romantic? Dangerous, fiery, destructive, addictive, unhealthy, out of control? If your relationship falls under the last category then yeah, you know what I’m talking about. Immediately before I met my husband, I was involved with a toxic man. It was exciting! I was so infatuated…