Dancing Through Life: Love, Theology, and Togetherness
Most people know my husband as a Champion Race Car Driver. But he has also served as a Corporate Chaplain. To serve his colleagues better, he took a course, Introduction to Theology, at Trinity Divinity School. We were both very excited about it. He texted me the day he started reading his textbook. He said “My mind is bending. I’ve read 16 words so far that I never heard before.” Then on his first day of class, he texted “Everyone should study Theology!” The day he took his mid-term exam, I knew I would hear about his grade on his first break. I did. Here’s the message: When he…
Hey, Get a Room
“Hey, get a room”. These words have been said to me and my husband, Bobby, literally dozens of times over the years. I’m a modest woman. I don’t dress or speak provocatively in front of others, and we have never crossed any line beyond a quick kiss on the lips in public. So what prompts this consistent and common response from people? I don’t know. I’m always a little surprised. So I did what I always do when I don’t know something. I asked my husband. He didn’t know either. So, I’ve been mulling it over, and here’s what I think. Most people don’t speak sweetly to each other after…
Beautiful Picture
The other morning my husband and I were rushing. As always. I’m betting that you can relate. I was finishing up my make-up while mentally preparing for my first meeting. And there he was, bending down to give me his goodbye kiss. This time of morning is always a highlight. He left – and it struck me. I hardly remembered that kiss, and while I thought I’d said “I love you,” I wasn’t sure. I thought for a second, literally dropped my make-up to the floor, and ran down the stairs, catching him as he pulled out of the drive. His handsome face was priceless as I ran to the…
Achieve More Together
“Passion can be a dangerous thing. It can consume a man and blind him to all but the object about which he’s passionate. Yet, if you try to excise it from his spirit so he can enjoy his surroundings, he’s often not the same man, and you’re left with a shadow of who he used to be.” This quote from a short story caught my attention recently. The story is fictional, but the subject is real. My husband and I know couples who think their goals for themselves and their relationship are at odds. They don’t understand that they can achieve more together. My husband, Bobby, is a professional drag…