20 Winter Dates for 20 Bucks
I’ve got 20 easy, FUN, and cheap date ideas for winter! All under $20. Just try one. Capiche? Make cookies. You can go homemade or buy a mix. ...and give them away. Package them up in Ziploc bags and deliver them to neighbors or retirement homes near you. Have a kitchen showdown! Challenge each other to a cook-off – you can split the $20 at the grocery store however you’d like, but each person must whip up as full a meal as possible with what they’ve got. This is my Chicken Marsala – do not and I repeat – DO NOT – challenge me to a cook-off. 4. Put together a…
The Delicate Dance of Love: Finding and Ending Relationships with Care
My husband Bobby and I are musicians who thrive on the thrill of open mics—events where you sign up, get called, and perform with a mix of strangers in front of a live audience. The unpredictability of who you’ll share the stage with makes every performance an adventure. Recently, I stumbled across this mesmerizing video and realized that it’s the same thing—except it’s for dancers. Have you seen these videos? They’re magical, I tell you! This one is my favorite. How do they manage to perform so seamlessly? How do they communicate with just their bodies during the dance? How do they not trip? I. Would. Definitely. Trip. The romance…
Hey, Get a Room
“Hey, get a room”. These words have been said to me and my husband, Bobby, literally dozens of times over the years. I’m a modest woman. I don’t dress or speak provocatively in front of others, and we have never crossed any line beyond a quick kiss on the lips in public. So what prompts this consistent and common response from people? I don’t know. I’m always a little surprised. So I did what I always do when I don’t know something. I asked my husband. He didn’t know either. So, I’ve been mulling it over, and here’s what I think. Most people don’t speak sweetly to each other after…
Grace At Crunch Time
Christmas is about grace. I have a car named Grace, and it’s not a coincidence. It was the night before Thanksgiving, and I was in a tizzy. The next day was our church’s Thanksgiving Dinner for the Community, and I was the coordinator. Still so much to do. I was driving home from work later than planned and was on the phone with my mom discussing to-dos. Out of nowhere, a car crossed the intersection, and I drove right into it! My body flew forward, and my phone went flying! I hit my knee on the dash and my forehead on the rear-view mirror. I had to kick the door…