Beautiful Picture
The other morning my husband and I were rushing. As always. I’m betting that you can relate. I was finishing up my make-up while mentally preparing for my first meeting. And there he was, bending down to give me his goodbye kiss. This time of morning is always a highlight. He left – and it struck me. I hardly remembered that kiss, and while I thought I’d said “I love you,” I wasn’t sure. I thought for a second, literally dropped my make-up to the floor, and ran down the stairs, catching him as he pulled out of the drive. His handsome face was priceless as I ran to the…
Scratch That
I sometimes have a foggy memory. I have Epilepsy, and can’t always remember the details, the dates, or the story. This story, though, I remember. I remember everything. This one I’ll share with you, so you’ll know how to make your beloved your priority. My husband, Bobby, is a Car Guy. How do I know? Well, let’s see. He has an instant bond with the person driving the same car as he does on the road. He knows every gas station within fifty miles selling top-tier gas. The cars must always, and I mean always, be clean. He washes them in the rain. Yes, I mean it. He only buys…
Waste Time Wisely
If you’re me, sometimes you feel guilty because of all the tasks you haven’t completed. Then, I’m reminded that it’s good – no, right – to waste time wisely. A few weeks ago, I was on a conference call discussing the software, KRONOS. One attendee was from Greece, and just like the way Italian chef, Giada De Laurentiis, says the word “spaghetti,” I could tell KRONOS was a Greek word just by the way it rolled off his tongue. So, being the nosy sort, and because, well, it was a conference call, I googled it. There are two Greek words about time. Chronos measures time by the clock. It’s quantitative, measured…
Create The Relationship You Want
Like most couples, my mom and dad established particular roles for themselves in our home, and they didn’t wander far from their lanes. Mom’s lane included furnishing the house. Dad didn’t know what new couch he’d be lounging on until the truck arrived. They like it this way. When we tie the knot, we take what we’ve learned into our marriage. Often we don’t realize that we can create what we want our relationship to be. So when I got married, and it came time to buy furniture, what do you think I did? I called Mom to arrange a shopping date. When I hung up the phone, my husband…