Flying Underwear: Is Your Issue Worth Fighting About?
Conflict in any relationship is inevitable and can even be healthy. But it’s only healthy if addressed well. Otherwise, conflict can lead to brutal fighting. Or even worse, distance in the relationship and a cold, cold chill. I have experienced both in relationships, and it’s. not. good. This article is the first of a three-part series. I think we first have to think through when we do indeed need to address something. Then, we’ll talk about extending grace and healthy ways to address issues. Not everything is something you should be willing to “die on the hill for.” Have you heard this saying? It’s a war metaphor. It means that…
Commence with the Romance
I am obsessed with the show This Is Us. One reason everyone loves this show, besides the fact that Jack Pearson is hot (Did I say that out loud?) is because Jack and Rebecca’s relationship is so fantastic. Come on, they seriously got it goin’ on. He’s not perfect. She’s not perfect. But together – they’re imperfectly perfect. One of my favorite scenes is a Date Night they share. Jack is a recovering alcoholic who has slid back into his addiction. He is fighting it again, but he is sad and embarrassed. He is reluctant to reopen the wounds from his past, and he certainly doesn’t want to talk about…
Perichoresis: Pursuing Intimacy in Your Relationship
Most people know my husband as a Champion Race Car Driver. But he is also a Corporate Chaplain; he is honored by and loves this role! He has recently begun exploring the idea of pursuing his Masters of Divinity, and is taking a course, Introduction to Theology, at Trinity Divinity School. I’m very excited for him! He texted me the day he started reading his textbook. He said “My mind is bending. I’ve read 16 words so far that I never heard before.” Then on his first day of class, he texted “Everyone should study Theology!” He recently took his mid-term exam, and when he went to class, I knew…
How to Communicate Better in Marriage
What does nagging do to a relationship? The more you fuss, remind and nudge, the more you push your partner away. In my work for a Facilities Management Company, very large corporations, hospitals, and universities trust us to manage everything related to their buildings. When a leak is reported, we treat it as an emergency no matter the degree of intensity. We know that even the slow, steady drip of a tiny leak can cause destruction. Just like the nagging in a relationship. And yet, nagging wife syndrome may make women feel they have control and that their communication is good. But a constant and persistent “drip” or “nudging” can…