Did I Make This Whole Thing Up?
I record random quotes that people say to me. Some are profound—some funny. I wrote one down a few years ago from my niece, who earned her doctorate at Yale. Referring to a final paper she was writing, she said, “Sometimes you come to a certain place in your argument and you wonder, did I make this whole thing up?” I laughed so hard; you would’ve thought I was front row at a Jim Gaffigan show listening to his Hot Pocket segment. But sometimes I’m not laughing, because I need to know how to be a better wife. Sometimes when I’m offering advice, I feel like a fraud. I’m supposed to…
Create The Relationship You Want
Like most couples, my mom and dad established particular roles for themselves in our home, and they didn’t wander far from their lanes. Mom’s lane included furnishing the house. Dad didn’t know what new couch he’d be lounging on until the truck arrived. They like it this way. When we tie the knot, we take what we’ve learned into our marriage. Often we don’t realize that we can create what we want our relationship to be. So when I got married, and it came time to buy furniture, what do you think I did? I called Mom to arrange a shopping date. When I hung up the phone, my husband…
The Artist Formerly Known As Prince Charming
This one’s for every girl out there who’s still waiting for her Prince Charming to show up. Maybe he just got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions. Or maybe he doesn’t exist. But I can tell you who does exist. And believe me, he stands head and shoulders over His Highness. When we’re young, we are sold the idea of finding our Prince Charming. He has good looks and perfect mannerisms. Oh, and don’t forget that he’s wealthy. Some of us get older and abandon that idea for The Bad Boy. He’s sexier than the prince and oh-so-mysterious. He’s bad, but only until he meets us; then…
Turn Down the Noise For a Peaceful 2021
The United Nations declared 2021 as the International Year of Peace and Trust. And as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. This “new year’s resolution” was profound for a hot minute, but now I feel like an investigative journalist on minutia. I like fruits and vegetables; they’re good for me and all. But if we’re measuring those against peace and trust, the P&T weighs in like a hippopotamus on a seesaw. I’m looking for a peaceful 2021. I have learned that the things to which we give our attention set our direction. And our direction determines our destination. I Learned This Lesson Early My husband, Bobby Martin, is a…